

Like other Chivalric Orders, our standards for membership require that the individual be a Christian, at least age 21, proposed/endorsed by two members, an individual who subscribes to the aims and purpose of the Order, possesses integrity, and is a solid member of the community and who is active in both civil and church/charitable endeavors. We are always seeking outstanding individuals to join our ranks. 

There is a one-time Passage Fee (which accompanies the application form) that covers in-processing, official and formal membership insignia, a miniature medal of the Order, lapel pin, the formal diploma and first year’s oblation. 

Annual Oblations (dues) are charged each member. This Oblation supports the overall efforts of the Order and its charitable donations. The member is requested to make an annual charitable donation in support of the Exarchate’s charities. Annual Oblations are normally collected during the first couple of months of the year to prepare for the Exarchate to pay their annual obligations to the International Order in June of each year.

From receipt of your application package, the process normally takes about 120 days (this includes processing in the USA, mailing to the International Order, review and approval by the Government of the International Order, culminating with announcement of approval (both written and published in the Constantinian Journal) to the Exarchate of the USA . Upon receipt of approval of your application, the applicant is notified of the approval and advised when the next Annual Investiture will occur.


We hope you will find our Order interesting, stimulating, and one that you would enjoy joining and in which you will actively participate. 

–Please fill out the short  “Application for Admission” forms in two copies (you may clearly print these). These are attached below.

–Attach a copy of your Baptismal Certificate, Marriage Certificate, or a letter of good standing from your church (or any other document that proclaims your Christian religious affiliation).

–Attach a copy of your most recent Biography and/or Curriculum Vitae (this does not have to be your life’s story).

–Attach two color passport-sized photos (paper clip these to your application).

Please ensure that you retain a copy of the total package for your records.

Mail all with your Passage Fee (check made out to the “Order of St. Constantine” or OCM) to your sponsor. Your sponsor will be responsible to sign as one of your sponsors, ensure another signature (usually the Director of Admissions for the Exarchate), who will forward two complete packages for processing to the Exarch of the USA.  See below for the various forms required.

The Exarch shall review all materials to ensure compliance with the requirements of the International Order. When all documents have been reviewed and prepared in an appropriate package for the International Order, they shall be formally endorsed and mailed to the Secretary General of the International Order for processing and presentation to the Chancellor and Master of the Order for approval.


Approval of your application normally takes approximately 120 days. Upon notification of approval, you shall be notified by the Exarchate that you have been approved and advised when your Investiture will occur. Your approval will also be published in the Constantini News.


At your investiture you shall be formally inducted as either a Knight (KCM) or Dame of the Order (DCM) by the Exarch of the USA, who acts for the Master of the Order. On occasion, the Master or Chancellor of the Order may be visiting the Exarchate of the USA and they may conduct these ceremonies.

It is customary that members of the Order attempt to attend the Annual Investiture ceremonies usually held in the Fall of the year. These ceremonies are formal (Black Tie) to celebrate the investiture of new Knights and Dames who are making their personal commitment to the Order. This event also provides a very comfortable and luxurious event to help the Order celebrate the Christianity of all who attend. The attendance of those Knights and Dames also provides support to and solidarity with the newly knighted individuals.

The Investiture ceremonies includes the Accolade (dubbing) of new knights and dames, the presentation of awards and decorations, and the acknowledgement of the outstanding work the Order accomplishes each year. This first part of the annual ceremonies demonstrates the Orders commitment to and recognition of The Lord, our Creator, and Saint Constantine the Great in our ceremonies as the Archbishop blesses the regalia and insignia of the Order and then blesses the newly invested Knights and Dames.

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The Archbishop ascends the stairs to the Altar
where he will Bless the Regalia of the Order.

The Exarch and Master of Ceremonies then lead the assemblage through the very formal ceremonies of Knighthood which includes:

Enrobing each applicant with the Robe of the Order:

The Postulant is fitted with a Robe for the Accolade

Conducting the Accolade (or dubbing), and then:

The Exarch of the USA Dubs the worthy Knight
in the name of the Master of the Order

Presenting the much sought after Cross of Constantine to each applicant to finalize the presentation of the Knighthood.

Presentation of the Insignia of the Order, the coveted Cross of Constantine

These formal ceremonies include the prominent display of the Banner of the Order (replicated to the specifications used during the Crusades), the heraldic pennants of the Exarch and the five Bailiwicks (also replicated to the various pennants used in the Crusades), and the appropriate religious ceremonies that were historically part of such ceremonies.

When all Knights and Dames have been individually confirmed, these initial ceremonies are closed with a blessing by the Archbishop. Then the entire assemblage moves to the Dining Room for initial refreshments, and then a very formal and eloquent dinner. The dinner begins with a few toasts and is usually accompanied with strolling musicians during dinner. These events are attended by all who have already been knighted and their guests. Most recent events run around 50-60 or more persons and increases each year. Newly knighted persons are encouraged to invite their spouses, friends, and members of their families. The Annual Investiture is an event to remember as it is usually held at a prestigious venue located in the Washington, DC area.

Click here to contact the Director of Admissions and to discuss the methods of payment available.

Membership Forms:

Admission Form

Sponsor Form